
Guizhou Achieves Progress in Economic Development, Poverty Alleviation

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Guizhou Achieves Progress in Economic Development, Poverty Alleviation

 August 4, 2022

GUIYANG, Aug. 3 (Xinhua) — Southwest China's Guizhou Province has made significant progress in economic development and poverty alleviation over the past decade, according to a press briefing in the provincial capital of Guiyang on Wednesday.

In 2021, Guizhou's gross domestic product neared 2 trillion yuan (about 295 billion U.S. dollars), and the per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents in the province was 2.1 times and 2.7 times that in 2012 respectively.

Over the past 10 years, 9.23 million impoverished residents in Guizhou were lifted out of poverty and achievements have been made in infrastructure development.

The digital economy also gained momentum in the province, with a focus on building the national big data comprehensive pilot zone and the digital economy development innovation zone.

Meanwhile, Guizhou is committed to prioritizing ecology and green development and its forest coverage rate exceeds 62 percent. 


(Source: Xinhua)


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